Saying YES 

I’ve just returned from a week-long New Years Retreat with Presence Collective. It was a profound week in which folks from all different walks of life joined me and jylani ma’at  to release into Rest, Restoration, and Renewal. I especially appreciated how many various pathways to truth were honored. During the retreat, these words arose:

There is no wrong way

to truth.

There is only 

one celebration after another. 

Love overflowing with itself.

Singing yes, outpouring yes, 

exclaiming YES 

to all of it.

Yes to every expression 

of divine possibility – 

divine Love rushing 

through the cells 

of every body 

every heart.

Saying yes to diverse pathways of remembrance – doorways to the knowing of our true nature – provides us with new language to articulate the deepest universal truths. Perennial truths. Saying yes to life can allow us to be freed from the conditioned loop of seeking and resisting. It can spark remembrance of what’s most fundamental: awareness itself. 

Where in your life might you more fully release into the practice of yes? And what needs to be let go of to allow that to be possible?