Consultations with Caverly

Periodically Caverly opens up a day for 1:1 consultations. We will announce these slots in her newsletters.

I have been involved with contemplative teachings and practice over the past 35 years, but this was the first time that everything talked about made 100% sense to me. Perhaps it was just time for the veil to lift from my eyes, however Caverly’s teaching played a most significant part. Her teaching is simple and also profound; beautiful and also practical; and most importantly it is experiential and also topical.
— Chris, Businessman

if you are new to meditation and contemplative practice

Many struggle with trying to fit awareness practice into daily life. Caverly will support you in learning how to bring your practice into your life — and more importantly, your life into your practice. This is a critical shift that allows for greater ease, enhanced happiness, and lasting contentment.


if you are experienced with contemplative practice

Caverly assists you in getting to the heart of the matter. Because of the depth of practice experience that Caverly has had monastically — as well as the many contemplative lenses that she has explored — she is able to support others to see beyond traditional form, trusting direct experience over beliefs. She addresses the questioner, not merely the question. 

I had wanted to try meditation for the physical benefits such as lower blood pressure. I had no idea it would change my life spiritually, emotionally and intellectually. I had no idea there was so much going on in my mind about which I was unaware.

Caverly has led me, and continues to lead me, to question many of the assumptions I make about who I am, and what I should be doing in my life. Thanks to her, I began an exciting new journey that I hope to continue for the rest of my life.
— Joyce, Biology Professor

Working with the energetic system

Caverly studied for sixteen years with Walter Makichen of the Center for Self Teaching. She finds it valuable to incorporate chanting, yoga meditations, and energetic practices into awareness practice. This creates a broad and diverse approach to accessing truth — the truth that exists beyond the illusion of separation. Caverly enjoys sharing these practices with others in consultations, workshops, and retreats. 

Through my practice and consultations with Caverly, I’ve come to truly believe that only through experience can we know what is possible. I’ve heard this countless times before, but never really got it until now. It’s not Caverly’s words and it’s not relying on some book or piece of information that has allowed me to feel freedom, it is through practice and through trusting my experience in each moment that I have been able to see what is possible.
— Laura, State Employee

Consultations are 50 minutes in length and offered on a sliding scale: $150 - $225 - $300.